I Pray Because - Garrett Janzen

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Hey! My name is Garrett Janzen and I have had many roles with Inspire. Regardless of role, I have always needed to practice prayer.

Prayer has always seemed weird to me. “It’s just talking with God.” But I’ve never seen God...it feels weird talking with someone I can’t see. Then, add that he already knows all my needs (Luke 12:30)...sometimes I wonder, why bother?

Regardless, I pray. Although I’ve never seen God, (I will eventually - 1 Thessalonians 3:13) I can, sometimes, sense his presence...like he’s right there. And even when God doesn’t answer me like I want, it’s worthwhile.


God helps me to see my pride, arrogance, and selfishness, and I’m thankful that he offers me forgiveness, and a fresh start everyday.
God shows me (usually through the Bible) what he desires for humanity. He reminds me of his incredible love, patience, and gentleness.
God increases my love for others - those who irritate me and those that he cares deeply about - people who are marginalized, ignored, overlooked, etc.
I sense God’s love and peace, and I’m reminded of the hope that I have in Jesus.
Why do you or don’t you pray?